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Thread: problem of uploading API link

 UPDATELOT: where Can I accquire RapnetLotID,IndexLotID,SellerID,ShowOnIndex? 

UPLOADLOTSl:where can I accquire LotList,ReportOption?

where can I accquire ClientRowID or StockNum or RapnetLotID or IndexLotID? 

where can I accquire FieldValueList?

Please help me with these prolems, thanks.

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Mars Tse
06/26/2018 11:25

1 Replies:

Mars Tse,
Hello. Thank you for contacting theTechNet support forum.

Please provide which API you what to use. 
t looks like you are asking about the TechNet Webservices upload API.  here: 

I plan to address the Deletelots and KeepAlive in a later post.

We recommend you use the Uploadlots endpoint.

Your question: UPLOADLOTSl:where can I accquire LotList,ReportOption?
Answer: The UploadLots uses input data in as csv format. LotList is the .csv data.  ReportOption indicated when you want the upload report sent or 'None' for no report. 
This is an Example: 
<UploadLots xmlns="">
<LotList>StockNum,CertID,StoneCount,Country,City,State,Shape,Weight,Clarity,Comments,Lab,Color,FancyColor,FCIntensity,FCOvertone,Cut,Polish,Symmetry,FluorescenceIntensity,FluorescenceColor,Length,Width,Height,Measurements,Depth,Table,Crown Height,Crown Angle,PavilionDepth,Pavilion Angle,GirdleThick,GirdleThin,Girdle Condition,GirdlePercent,Culet,Culet Condition,Treatment,Laser Inscription,RapnetDiscount,TotalPrice,PricePerCarat,IsMatchPair,PairStockNumber,IsPairSeparable,ClarityDescription,Black Inclusion,Milky,Shade,Center Inclusion,CertFilename,ImageFile,brand,BB_CashAskingPrice,BB_CashDiscountPercent
aa-s,11016910006,1,Israel,Ramat-Gan,,Round,5.03,SI2,,HRD,E,,,,F,VG,VG,Strong,,9.8,9.88,6.54,9.8x9.88x6.54,66.5,52,17.5,35.7,43.5,41.1,,Thick,Faceted,5.5,,Pointed,,,-53,,,FALSE,,,,,,,, 380-166.pdf,M-IL-401.jpg,Canada Mark,,

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Tech customer support -Zalman
8/2/2018 7:57:00 AM