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Thread: Error at the time of Fetching Rapaport Price org.apache.cxf.interceptor.Fault: Could not send Message.

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10/10/2017 09:01

3 Replies:

Hello Ketan Shah,
Thank you for contacting RapNet tech support.

Can you let me know if this error is still happening when downloading the price list or did it just happen once?  I tried to research this error and need more details.  Are you  using an API to get the price list.

 also would need your account number please, so i can check the error logs.

Please send your RapNet customer number and any more details about the error to, so we can research the error.

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Tech customer support- Zalman
10/24/2017 4:05:00 PM
Ketan Shah.
Thank you for contacting the support forum.

I also saw your email to

Please see questions I emailed to you from asking for which function you are using - the end point getting the error, so we can check it.

Thank you.

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Tech Customer Service, Zalman
11/7/2017 9:07:00 AM
Dear Team,

Getting an error while fetching the data.
System.Deployment.Application.DeploymentDownloadException: Downloading file:///C:/Program Files (x86)/Rapaport/RapNetXL/Images/RapNet.ico did not succeed. --->

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1/9/2018 10:47:00 PM