Hi, I am developer which yous your web service. I am faceing same problem to filter a get diamond list. Exap:
{ "request": { "header": { "username": "' . $this->data['username'] . '", "password": "' . $this->data['password'] . '" }, "body": { "shapes": ' . $this->data['shape'] . ', "size_to": ' . $this->data['carat_to'] . ', "size_from":' . $this->data['carat_from'] . ', "color_from": "' . $this->data['color_from'] . '", "color_to": "' . $this->data['color_to'] . '", "clarity_from": "' . $this->data['clarity_from'] . '", "clarity_to": "' . $this->data['clarity_to'] . '", "cut_from": "' . $this->data['cut_from'] . '", "cut_to": "' . $this->data['cut_to'] . '", "polish_from": "' . $this->data['polish_from'] . '", "polish_to": "' . $this->data['polish_to'] . '", "symmetry_from": "' . $this->data['symmetry_from'] . '", "symmetry_to": "' . $this->data['symmetry_to'] . '", "labs": ' . $this->data['lab'] . ', "price_total_from": ' . $this->data['price_from'] . ', "price_total_to": ' . $this->data['price_to'] . ', "page_number": ' . $this->data['page_number'] . ', "page_size": ' . $this->data['per_page'] . ', "fluor_intensity": "Medium", "sort_by": "price", "sort_direction": "ASC" } } }
all paramer are working but
"fluor_intensity" is not working. can you help me plz.
Thanks& regards Pavan JI dropmail2pavan@gmail.com
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08/25/2015 01:11
Hi Pavam,
The issue your facing can be solved by sending in your request the right parameters which you can find the names here: http://technet.rapaport.com/Info/RapLink/Format_Json.aspx
for example "fluor_intensity" should be "fluorescence_intensities".
Hope this was a help for your. All the best, Yocheved
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Yocheved Fabian
8/26/2015 4:44:00 AM