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Thread: Not getting correct Total stones found in SOAP call

If we use SOAP call we are not getting correct "Total stones found number" for set parameters

Here are details 

To get diamond feed by SOAP call we set  search parameters.
Number of diamonds found by SOAP call is much lower as compared to number of diamonds found by Rapnet's diamond search(after rapnet login).

Code sample (Search parameters)
Below mentioned criteria set for SOAP call
Total Diamond found : 509
But By using Rapnet's search on the  site the diamond found : 472,672

$page = '1';
$pageSize = '50';
$searchparams["ShapeCollection"]['Shapes'] = array("ROUND","PEAR","PRINCESS","MARQUISE");
$searchparams["LabCollection"]['Labs'] = array("GIA", "IGI", "AGS", "HRD", "EGL_USA");
$searchparams["SizeFrom"] = "0.30";
$searchparams["SizeTo"] = "30.00";
$searchparams["ColorFrom"] = "D";
$searchparams["ColorTo"] = "L";
$searchparams["ClarityFrom"] = "IF";
$searchparams["ClarityTo"] = "SI2";
$searchparams["CutFrom"] = "EXCELLENT";
$searchparams["CutTo"] = "FAIR";
$searchparams["PriceFrom"] = "0";
$searchparams["PriceTo"] = "10000000";
$searchparams["SymmetryFrom"] = "Excellent";
$searchparams["SymmetryTo"] = "Fair";
$searchparams["PolishFrom"] = "Excellent";
$searchparams["PolishTo"] = "Fair";
$searchparams["PageNumber"] = $page;
$searchparams["PageSize"] = $pageSize;
$searchparams["SortDirection"] = "ASC";

Can someone help to resolve this issue

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05/08/2014 07:45

4 Replies:

Not all diamonds from RapNet are shown in Inventory Link. The sellers of the diamonds choose which diamonds can be included, and by whom.

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5/8/2014 7:51:00 AM
in raplink and DLS you can download only diamonds that  has permission  to be downloaded. you cannot download  the whole inventory of rapnet

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5/8/2014 7:52:00 AM
Leo/Ephraim Thanks for the response . But the difference is huge. (509 and 472672) In that case it defeats the purpose of integrating Raplink or DLS with any third party site.

Or am I missing something here?

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5/8/2014 8:01:00 AM

Yes, you have to set it up properly first:

You have to set up lists, choose diamonds and suppliers.


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5/8/2014 8:04:00 AM