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Thread: Matching Pair # changes when exported

I am developing an Importfunction for our system. When I upload a file containing matching pair #, the exportfile from exactly these offers contains different numbers:
Pair Stock # input Pair Stock # output
1 400715
2 351572
3 37059
4 28009
5 192842
6 11477
7 339347
8 322569
9 109919
10 303882
 how can I reverse these numbers, so that I can implement matching pairs in our handling system? Is it a hash or table? Or is this just a bug? It works fine in Rapnet itself, but not exported..

Thanks in advance


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12/10/2013 05:07

3 Replies:

It took me some time, but now I am sure that there is a bug in the excelexport.
While Uploading the attribute with ID "MatchingVendorStockNumberID" is transmitted.
While exporting the same field is filled with "MatchingVendorStockNumber" is transmitted.

This must cause an error! so it is impossible to export, modify and then reimport the file without destroying the matching pairs.

PLEASE RAPNET FIX THAT!! it is only two letters!!!

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12/12/2013 5:45:00 AM

you right, this is a bug.
the MatchingVendorStockNumberID is an internal field of rapaport and it souldn't apear in the export file. instead you should get your stock number (and not our internal ID).

we will fix it at the begining of the next week and update the ticket when its done.


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12/12/2013 6:00:00 AM

Thanks for the message.
BTW the same problem occurs in rapnetXL and onsite export.


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12/12/2013 8:40:00 AM