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Thread: How to get all parameters for downloading diamonds inventory

We are using following url for downloading diamond inventory.

1 We need to know all possible variables (ie, ShapeIDs, LabIDs and all other possible like cut, clarity , color )  and their corresponding values (like 1 means Round in shapeID? )

We couldnot find info at single place.

2 We need to know one more thing, Does price of diamond changes ? I mean, that once we downloaded all available diamonds from rapnet , do we need to check prices everyday ? 

3 Our another question is that many of diamonds lacks CUT info (ie, is blank), how can we fill those ? 

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Sudhanshu Swami
08/29/2012 01:07

4 Replies:


You go to this page
 and set the filter parameters as you like. Click the "generate code" button and you will get a feed url constructed with the filters you selected

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8/29/2012 4:07:00 AM
Hi I am also getting same issue and i visited
but didn't got any generate code tab of filter parameter can you please give step by step instruction to get parameter.

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10/10/2012 8:58:00 AM
Make sure to log into RapNet first.
In the page mentioned above, there should be a (huge) form, with all the different parameters you can set. At the bottom, there are three buttons: 'Download File', 'Generate Code' and 'Reset'

hope this helps.

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Leo Muller
10/11/2012 4:09:00 AM

Hi I have followed the instruction that you have given but I am not getting any form that I have attached with this post please reply as soon as possible.

I am getting  

RapNet Download Listing Service (DLS)


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10/12/2012 4:39:00 AM