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Thread: Instant inventory

In the past few days I can't use your platform on my wix website. I have the error 3001 as you can see inside this payload:
response: {header: {error_code: 3001, error_message: "unspecified error"}, body: {}}" when I'm calling
I didn't change anything in my code and before it worked like a charm. Is there something that I need to change? The error message isn't really relevant to help me on this issue can you help me to debug ?
Have a nice day,

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02/27/2021 06:17

1 Replies:

Hi Jeremy 
error_code: 3001 
This usually means that the Instant Inventory package has expired 
Please renew the Instant Inventory package 

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Technical support
6/22/2021 8:07:00 AM