How to implement instant inventory for mobile application using react native
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02/26/2020 06:18
Hi The Instant inventory widgets work on a fetch API Here is some information regarding how to use fetch in React https://reactjs.org/docs/faq-ajax.html
I have also included links to help you integrate your Instant inventory code https://technet.rapaport.com/Info/RapLink/Widgets.aspx
Here is the API codes :
curl --location --request POST 'https://technet.rapaport.com/HTTP/JSON/RetailFeed/GetDiamonds.aspx' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \ --data-raw ' { "request": { "header": { "username": "", "password": "" }, "body": { "search_type": "White", "shapes": ["round","Princess","pear"], "size_from": 0.2, "size_to": 15.3, "color_from": "D", "color_to": "K", "clarity_from": "IF", "clarity_to": "VS2", "cut_from": "Excellent", "cut_to": "Fair", "polish_from": "Excellent", "polish_to": "Fair", "symmetry_from": "Excellent", "symmetry_to": "Fair", "price_total_from": 100, "price_total_to": 150000, "labs": ["GIA","IGI"], "table_percent_from": "26.0", "table_percent_to": "66.0", "page_number": 1, "page_size": 20, "sort_by": "price", "sort_direction": "Asc" } } }'
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2/26/2020 8:33:00 AM
Thread: Getting error_code 1001
{ "response": { "header": { "error_code": 1001, "error_message": "Invalid format" }, "body": {} } } my Code fetch('https://technet.rapaport.com/HTTP/JSON/Prices/GetPriceSheet.aspx', { "request": { "header": { "username": "xxxxxx", "password": "xxxxx" }, "body":{ "shape": "round" } } }) .then(response => response.json()) .then(response => { console.log('myresponse',response) .catch(error => { this.setState({ error: 'Something just went wrong'}); });
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3/2/2020 6:49:00 AM
Hi I tested your code and I received the following error
{ "response": { "header": { "error_code": 1001, "error_message": "Invalid format" }, "body": { } } }
So from the code I see you are missing certain entries
I have attached code that has been tried and tested :
curl --location --request POST 'https://technet.rapaport.com/HTTP/JSON/RetailFeed/GetDiamonds.aspx' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \ --data-raw '{ "request": { "header": { "username": " ", "password": " " }, "body": { "search_type": "White", "shapes": [ "Round" ], "size_from": "1", "size_to": "10", "page_number": "1", "page_size": "20" } } }' and
{ "request": { "header": { "username": " ", "password": " " }, "body": { "search_type": "White", "shapes": [ "Round" ], "size_from": "1", "size_to": "10", "page_number": "1", "page_size": "20" } } }
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3/3/2020 4:25:00 AM