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Thread: Request Access to DLS Service

We are unable to access DLS Service. 110002

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08/20/2018 03:56

1 Replies:

Hello and thank you for contacting the TechNet Developer forum.

I forwarded your request regarding DLS to your customer service rep to follow up with you.

Also, I see you have a subscription for Instant Inventory, so I checked the setup.
- The 'USA' feeds need corrections to cut, symmetry and polish range.  The range needs to be switched to be best value first (Example: from Excellent to Poor) .  Then matching diamonds should be found.
- Two feeds have selected Availability of 'Guaranteed only', which works and is good  to realize this severely limiting the number of selected diamonds, as not many sellers use this availability.

Please contact your customer service rep or me at if you have further questions.    Thank you.

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Tech customer support -Zalman
8/21/2018 5:39:00 AM