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Thread: Populated results are not relevant to the iFrame result

I am a little confused with the response that I am getting from rapnet services.
I am using this url to get the diamonds
with request :
{"request": {"header": {"username": "sjvfd3yn******ygax2tyvpl", "password": "YJ***tu"}, "body": {"search_type": "White", "shapes":["Round", "Pear", "Princess", "Marquise", "Oval", "Radiant", "Emerald", "Heart", "Cushion", "Asscher"], "size_from": 0, "size_to": 10, "color_from": "D", "color_to": "M", "clarity_from": "IF", "clarity_to": "I3", "cut_from": "Excellent", "cut_to": "Poor", "polish_from": "Excellent", "polish_to": "Poor", "symmetry_from": "Excellent", "symmetry_to":"Poor", "price_total_from": 1, "price_total_to": 200000,"fluorescence_intensities":["Very Strong","Strong","Medium","Faint","Very Slight","None"], "labs": ["GIA", "IGI", "AGS", "HRD", "PGS", "DCLA", "VGR", "GCAL","NGTC", "GSI", "IIDGR", "NONE"], "table_percent_from": "0.0", "table_percent_to": "100.0", "eye_cleans": ["Yes", "Borderline", "No"], "page_number": 1, "page_size": 50, "sort_by": "price", "sort_direction": "Asc" }}}
but I am getting response of
"response": {
"header": {
"error_code": 0,
"error_message": ""
"body": {
"search_results": {
"diamonds_returned": 50,
"total_diamonds_found": 17097,
"sorted_by" :"PRICE",
"sort_direction": "ASC"
only 17097 total.
Inline images 3
When I check with rapnet iFrame the result populating was 85187 total.
Inline images 5
Did I miss something in the code?
buy the way I am using jquery ajax for the results to populate in JSON, and PHP for the server side coding.


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Sai kumar
01/25/2018 03:39

2 Replies:

Sai kumar,
Thank you for contact Developer Forum.

I have been in contact with the account owner separately from this request.
The email subject is "RE: Diamonds retrieving issue/ 76575/ Diff between live site and new developed site counts".

I plan to look at your code and see what I find.  I would need to compare the IFrame widget exact search parms with the JSON API search parms to compare.

It would help to see those screen prints.  
Feel free to contact the account owner or contact me with more any questions or details at

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Tech customer support -Zalman
2/1/2018 11:41:00 AM
Sai kumar,
I checked the request again, looking for limiting selections, that would reduce how many diamonds are found.

The Iframe (basic Instant Inventory widget) does not contain a selection for the newer 'eye_clean' field.
Many diamonds are uploaded to RapNet with a blank 'eye_clean' value.

Try removing the ( "eye_cleans": ["Yes", "Borderline", "No"], ) from the JASON API request and try again.

My testing found about five times as many diamonds after removing the eye_cleans form the API request.

Thank you.

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Tech customer support -Zalman
3/11/2018 9:58:00 AM