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Thread: how to upload inventory on rapnet using soap

I am trying to upload an inventory on rapnet using SOAP but i cant. please help me with sample code

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01/10/2018 11:53

7 Replies:

Thank you for contacting the Developer forum and please let us know if you have further questions.

Please feel free to send a copy of the 'request' code you are using to for us to check and which error you are getting.

Sample SOAP code is found here: 

Below is an Uploadlots API SOAP example:
First is the logon - change Username and Password. 
Then the Uploadlots API SOAP request.


<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
<Login xmlns="">


<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
<AuthenticationTicketHeader xmlns="">
<UploadLots xmlns="">
<LotList>StockNum,CertID,StoneCount,Country,City,State,Shape,Weight,Clarity,Comments,Lab,Color,FancyColor,FCIntensity,FCOvertone,Cut,Polish,Symmetry,FluorescenceIntensity,FluorescenceColor,Length,Width,Height,Measurements,Depth,Table,Crown Height,Crown Angle,PavilionDepth,Pavilion Angle,GirdleThick,GirdleThin,Girdle Condition,GirdlePercent,Culet,Culet Condition,Treatment,Laser Inscription,RapnetDiscount,TotalPrice,PricePerCarat,IsMatchPair,PairStockNumber,IsPairSeparable,ClarityDescription,Black Inclusion,Milky,Shade,Center Inclusion,CertFilename,ImageFile,brand,CashAskingPrice,CashDiscountPercent
aa-s,11016910006,1,Israel,Ramat-Gan,,Round,5.03,SI2,,HRD,E,,,,F,VG,VG,Strong,,9.8,9.88,6.54,9.8x9.88x6.54,66.5,52,17.5,35.7,43.5,41.1,,Thick,Faceted,5.5,,Pointed,,,-53,,,FALSE,,,,,,,, 380-166.pdf,M-IL-401.jpg,Canada Mark,,

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Tech customer support -Zalman
1/11/2018 9:28:00 AM
Hello Zalman, 

Thanks for your reply and sorry to delay from my side, I generate "UploadLotsCreateFile" successfully and what to do after that to upload that created file into my inventory?.


>> add a comment
1/24/2018 6:35:00 AM
 I used below code to upload the lot to my inventory.


//prepare soap request to Rapaport:
$rap_soapUrl = "";
$soap_Client = new nusoap_client($rap_soapUrl, 'wsdl');
$client = new SoapClient('');
$rap_credentials['Username'] = "86***";
$rap_credentials['Password'] = "*****jk*****";
//do login, and save authentication ticket for further use:
$result = $soap_Client->call('Login', $rap_credentials);
$rap_auth_ticket = $soap_Client->getHeaders();
$lot['RapnetLotID'] = "";
$lot['IndexLotID'] ="";
$lot['SellerID'] = 105649;
$lot['Shape'] = 'round';
$lot['Weight'] = 0.4;
$lot['Color']= 'f';
$lot['FancyColor'] = 'round';
$lot['FancyColorIntensity'] = "";
$lot['FancyColorOvertone'] ="";
$lot['Clarity'] = "if";
$lot['Measurements'] = "8.49 x 5.69 x 3.58";
$lot['MeasLength'] = "";
$lot['MeasWidth'] = "";
$lot['MeasDepth'] = "";
$lot['DepthPercent'] = "62.9";
$lot['TablePercent'] = "63.4";
$lot['GirdleMin'] = "Medium to Very Thick";
$lot['GirdleMax'] = "df";
$lot['GirdlePercent'] = 10.6;
$lot['GirdleCondition'] = "sf";
$lot['CuletCondition'] = "ios";
$lot['CuletSize'] = "78";
$lot['Polish'] = "pol";
$lot['Symmetry'] = "sdfsf";
$lot['FluorescenceColor'] = "n";
$lot['FluorescenceIntensity'] = "n";
$lot['CrownHeight'] = "";
$lot['CrownAngle'] = "";
$lot['PavilionDepth'] = "";
$lot['PavilionAngle'] = "";
$lot['Make'] = "";
$lot['Cut'] = "";
$lot['Enhancement'] = "";
$lot['Comment'] = "";
$lot['Lab'] = "";
$lot['CertificateID'] = "9876543210";
$lot['CertificateImage'] = "";
$lot['LaserInscription'] = "";
$lot['VendorStockNumber'] = "";
$lot['MatchingVendorStockNumber'] = "";
$lot['IsMatchedPairSeparable'] = "";
$lot['ParcelStoneCount'] = "";
$lot['RapnetAskingPrice'] = "";
$lot['IndexAskingPrice'] = "";
$lot['Availability'] = "";
$lot['IsActive'] = "";
$lot['ShowOnRapnet'] = "";
$lot['ShowOnIndex'] = "";
$lot['Terms'] = "";
$lot['TradeShow'] = "";
$lot['CityLocation'] = "";
$lot['StateLocation'] = "";
$lot['CountryLocation'] = "";
$lot['SarinFile'] = "";
$lot['ClientRowID'] = "";
$lot['EyeClean'] = "";
$lot['MemberComments'] = "";
$lot['KeyToSymbols'] = "";
$lot['StarLength'] = "";
$Parameters = array();
$Parameters['LotList'] = $lot;
$Parameters['LotListFormat'] = "RapXML";
$Parameters['ReplaceAll'] = 0;
$Parameters['FirstRowHeaders'] = 0;
$result = $soap_Client->call('UploadLots' , array($Parameters));
echo "<pre>";

>> add a comment
1/24/2018 6:39:00 AM
If you need additional assistance, contact and I plan to get to you Sunday or Monday.

Did you try the 'UploadLots' endpoint example I posted above?  Did you get errors?
The file goes between 
<LotList>...csv here...</LotList>

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Tech customer support -Zalman
1/25/2018 11:31:00 AM
Hello Zalman,
I sent mail on but I didn't reply, and now i upload lots successfully but i need bit more help from you about update stone details on rapnet.

>> add a comment
2/1/2018 1:56:00 AM
as you suggest me code above i try with that but i facing an error my code and error are below.

=================================== code ==================================

$rap_soapUrl = "";
$soap_Client = new nusoap_client($rap_soapUrl, 'wsdl');
$rap_credentials['Username'] = "86025";
$rap_credentials['Password'] = "********";
//do login, and save authentication ticket for further use:
$result = $soap_Client->call('Login', $rap_credentials);
$rap_auth_ticket = $soap_Client->getHeaders();
$Parameters['LotList'] = 'StockNum,CertID,StoneCount,Country,City,State,Shape,Weight,Clarity,Comments,Lab,Color,FancyColor,FCIntensity,FCOvertone,Cut,Polish,Symmetry,FluorescenceIntensity,FluorescenceColor,Length,Width,Height,Measurements,Depth,Table,Crown Height,Crown Angle,PavilionDepth,Pavilion Angle,GirdleThick,GirdleThin,Girdle Condition,GirdlePercent,Culet,Culet Condition,Treatment,Laser Inscription,RapnetDiscount,TotalPrice,PricePerCarat,IsMatchPair,PairStockNumber,IsPairSeparable,ClarityDescription,Black Inclusion,Milky,Shade,Center Inclusion,CertFilename,ImageFile,brand,CashAskingPrice,CashDiscountPercent
// ss,11016087003,1,Belgium,Antwerpen,,Emerald,5.3,VVS1,,HRD,I,,,,,EX,G,None,,6.06,4.79,3.58,6.06x4.79x3.58,74.7,66,20,0,50.5,0,,Medium,Polished,4,,Linear,,,-45,,,FALSE,,,,,,,,2165610174.pdf,,,,
// aa-s,11016910006,1,Israel,Ramat-Gan,,Round,5.03,SI2,,HRD,E,,,,F,VG,VG,Strong,,9.8,9.88,6.54,9.8x9.88x6.54,66.5,52,17.5,35.7,43.5,41.1,,Thick,Faceted,5.5,,Pointed,,,-53,,,FALSE,,,,,,,, 380-166.pdf,M-IL-401.jpg,Canada Mark,,
// aa124,11020492004,1,Belgium,Antwerpen,,Round,5.53,VVS2,,HRD,K,,,,VG,EX,VG,Faint,,7.32,7.33,4.66,7.32x7.33x4.66,63.7,59,15.5,36.7,44.5,41.8,,Medium,,3.5,,Pointed,,,-25,,,FALSE,,,,,,,,11020492004.pdf,Test.png,,,';
$Parameters['LotListFormat'] = 'RapXML';
$Parameters['ReplaceAll'] = 0;
$Parameters['FirstRowHeaders'] = 1;
$Parameters['ReportOption'] ='None';
$result = $soap_Client->call('UploadLots',$Parameters);

============================ Error ================================

Array ( [faultcode] => soap:Server [faultstring] => System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process request. ---> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at DiamondManager.UploadLots(UploadLotsParameters Parameters) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- [detail] => )

I hope you get me.

>> add a comment
2/2/2018 12:56:00 AM
I think this will be better if we talk thru email at
The PHP code above does not look to be correct, with some of the data commented out (//).
Please let me know why the working SOAP example did not work for you.

Looking forward to your emailed response,
Thank you.

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Tech customer support -Zalman
2/5/2018 10:45:00 AM