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Thread: Instant Inventory and Monthly Search Quota

I see when on the RapNet website a dashboard element for "Monthly Sales Quota." Yet I cannot find where it's defined what our max monthly quota is. Or what our current count is, other than a percentage. So I have a few questions:

Do Instant Inventory queries count toward our Monthly Sales Quota? Or is the quota just looking at online searches from the RapNet page?

We have an embedded function in our company's commercial website that pulls our Instant Inventory to allow customers the ability to "reserve" stones for us to source for them from RapNet. Everything seems to be functioning just fine for the most part. But sometimes the initial form display just sticks on the spinning wheel. Even when trying a different browser, dumping cache, etc. from the same computer. Then a few minutes later the initial form pulls up fine. That leads me to my other question. Are there defined API call limits as to how many Instant Inventory API calls per second, per hour, etc. can be sent from our account? Looking in our account info and the API documentation I don't see anything mentioned.

Any feedback would be appreciated :)

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Greg Kujawa
06/07/2017 02:23

4 Replies:

Sorry, I meant Monthly _Search_ Quota. Not sales quota!

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Greg Kujawa
6/7/2017 2:37:00 PM
Is this forum monitored? Just wondering, since it doesn't seem to have a lot of recent posts and I haven't seen a reply in almost week. Anyone out there?

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Greg Kujawa
6/13/2017 1:04:00 PM
Hi Greg.  yes this tech forum is monitored. Staff was just busy this week .

- As to the monthly search quota - the answers many search quota questions.  Your customer service office can provide exact search numbers, if needed, and extra searches can be arranged.
- Instant Inventory queries do not count toward our Monthly Sales Quota. Those searches happen on a customers web-site, and are not tracked or counted by Rapnet, so do not add into the monthly search quotas.
- With form freezes, feel free to send screen shots and exact times to your customer service rep for investigation.  If they come and go, it might be web traffic issues.
-As to the API call limits, I am not aware of limits.  It would be to add your questions to the knowledge-base.

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Rapaport Tech
6/14/2017 10:10:00 AM
Great! Thanks for the feedback. Understandably busy after the JCK and with everything else going on. My e-mail address is Greg.Kujawa@DiamondCellar.Com in case you need to reach out to me.

That makes sense about the Instant Inventory queries, since otherwise that Monthly Search Quota would be climbing up there. 

I think the freeze-ups are more sporadic based on more testing. If they become frequent I will reach out to try to look at some detailed traces around timestamped attempts. Otherwise I think we are fine!

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Greg Kujawa
6/14/2017 10:29:00 AM