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Thread: Instant inventory API, search by SellerId

I am using

When using GetDiamonds I have a requirement to search by SellerId.  Is this possible ? If so how and if not is something you might add in the future?

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Jonathan Owens
06/05/2017 01:50

1 Replies:

Hi Jonathan, Search/ select by Sellerid is not available for the API GetDiamonds, at this time. 

An Instant Inventory Feed offers the ability to select a set of diamonds, from available Rapnet diamonds, by supplier.  These selected diamonds are then available for the API Getdiamonds, which can narrow the set of diamonds displayed on your website.

If you still find a need to select by SellerId, you can send your reason and website to and we can further review the request. 

I actually did find sellerID in the "" Get Single Diamond - sample response.

Thank you.

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Rapaport Tech- Zalman
6/19/2017 7:41:00 AM