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Thread: Issue while log in to Web service to retrieve the price list

We are trying to write a software for our inventory and we want to integrated Rapaport prices with our diamonds inventory. For that i am using the web service from The issue is that while i am trying to log in the web service by invoking the Loin call from my client to web service. The error is occurred "Server was unable to process request. ---> Credentials can only be passed over secure connections (HTTPS)"

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10/19/2009 03:59

1 Replies:

RE: Issue while log in to Web service to retrieve the price list
Hi, When using web services you need to call a method named “Login” that will authenticate your web service. “Login” returns a ticket which the web service will use for future authentication with our system. To protect our customer information, our authentication system works only in the HTTPS mode. However we suggest that after obtaining a ticket in the HTTPS mode the program should continue working in the regular HTTP mode using the ticket to authenticate. This allows the web service to work faster. All function except for “Login” can be called both over HTTP and HTTPS. You can test your username and password by requesting a ticket at Note that tickets expire after one hour. We have a code example that uploads listings using a web service posted on our site. You can see an example at: The code is written in C# and .NET but it should be the same concept coding in any other language. What language are you coding in? What error did you get after changing the web service request to HTTPS? Can you send me your code?

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Eli Sack
10/19/2009 4:00:00 AM