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Thread: How to get access to Inventory Link Webservice

Dear Support,

I am trying to use following WSDL to query diamond information and I am using username/password which I use to log into rapNet website:

My soap request to login is as follows:

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:tec="">

I have valid password, but the response I get back is:

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
            <soap:Text xml:lang="en">Server was unable to process request. ---> You are not authenticated for RapNet InventoryLink web service.</soap:Text>

Please advise what I need to do to get InventoryLink Web Service access.  I am able to login into Upload Webservice using same username and password without any issue.  Thanks for your help.


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08/25/2014 08:40

1 Replies:


For this service you need a RapLink inventory link subscription. Please contact customer support for details. 



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8/25/2014 8:55:00 AM