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Thread: webservice for supplier information


I am fetching diamond price data from Rapnet and displaying it on my website.everything is working fine.

Now when customer place order in my site, how can I inform the Rapnet Supplier that an order is placed ?
Is there any webservice to get supplier information or I can notify them about placed order.


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ketan lathiya
08/11/2014 07:16

7 Replies:


I guess you are using inventory link, you can use the GetDiamond method, which will include the seller information.

for JSON:            

XML Web Services:




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Leo Muller
8/11/2014 7:47:00 AM
Hi Leo,

I am getting some error in below link

and it is working fine for me by using XML service, however I am able to get details of suppliers for some stones only not for all. Is there any way to get name and email of supplier of each diamond id that i am providing in webservice.


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ketan lathiya
8/11/2014 8:26:00 AM


The link is the end point, you can read how to use it here:

You can only use the services for diamonds that appear in your inventory link. If you can give a specific diamond id, I can check for you.

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Leo Muller
8/12/2014 7:49:00 AM
Hi Leo,

Thanks for reply. I have many diamond ids that don't give me supplier information from above service.

e.g. Diamond ID: 55313544 , I am not able to fetch supplier information for this diamond id. There are other diamonds also.

but from same service I am able to get supplier information for this diamond ID: 55312376

I am getting all above diamonds in by using PHP code service that gives me csv file:


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ketan lathiya
8/12/2014 8:18:00 AM

This diamond is not in your feed. Where did you get the diamond from? 

The way inventory link works, is that you set up a diamond feed, and all diamonds that match AND are approved by the seller to go into external feeds will show up in Inventory Link (same for DLS). In your feed there are 32704 diamond listings. If you use the inventory link search by itself, it will only show those relevant diamonds.

There could be a rare occurrence that in between the feed gets updated and a diamond no longer being available, but that is very rare, and not the case here.

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Leo Muller
8/13/2014 12:49:00 AM
where to set diamond feed in my account ?
and I am getting all diamonds from DLS:

here, I am able to get seller account id, name but not email and fluro intensity.

2) I get diamond id from above service, and if i am trying to get seller information using GetSingleDiamond service, I am not able to get information for all diamonds.

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ketan lathiya
8/13/2014 6:54:00 AM

If you use DLS, all the information you get is already included in the data.

You can get the account number, name and country of the seller only here.
 You can also select to get fluorescence intensity here.

But you can't get the seller information here. You will have to get that manually by going to RapNet



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Leo Muller
8/13/2014 7:28:00 AM