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Thread: How to open Download Listing Service ?

How to open Download Listing Service ?

Has been opened Rapnet Inventory Link

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08/06/2014 09:53

3 Replies:


you first have  to purchase the service. you can call your local office or fill the contact form here

afterwards, follow the instruction here

and here


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8/6/2014 10:24:00 AM

 China has already contacted the customer service representative , and the other replies can not be opened in China

 Can I use Rapnet Inventory Link service by recycling PageNumber this parameter to save it to a local database ? Violation of Rapnet rules ? Provided directly through the API speed is too slow , the user experience is poor.

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8/7/2014 3:06:00 AM
Doing that would be a violation of RapNet rules indeed. The only option for storing the data locally is to do this via the DLS service. 

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Leo Muller
8/10/2014 12:40:00 AM