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Thread: Import and Export using RapNet06 Version 1.33.2 Missing Fields-NO ACTIONS BEING TAKEN!

Dear Rap:

1. This is not rocket science when you Check My Sells on RapNet have it bring down all the fields that are located on detail screen of "my Diamond listings"  Your Missing like 18 fields.)

2. When you Post My Sells on RapNet using the MS-Excel Export have all the fields go up. So you Don't wipe out existing Data. (Your missing like 18 Fields)

3. You also seem to have different Rapnet employess responding TO the same threads without doing any research to see if what I am saying is true. It's very true and really NEEDS to be addressed.. I CAN'T DO A UPDATE USING THE EXCEL RAPNET 06 WITH LOSING MUCH DATA on the re-export. It wipes out data on the my listing of over 18 fields.

4. I hope you can understand my English.

thanks for you time this process could be fixed in a day or less.

Steve Lawrence

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Steve Cohn
03/01/2013 07:55

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