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Thread: WARNING: Losing data that was already populated on my listing detail layout.


1. There is a Really Bad Bug.

2. When you Upload to my listings you allow for aprox. 68 fields to be created and populated in the Excel  spreed sheet.

3. When you download from my listing you only bring down  50 fields.

4. If you do the math you can see there is about 18 fields missing.

5. WARNING: Thus is were the problem occurs.

6. If we make changes to the check my sells on rapnet excel file that has only 50 fields and then post pre-populated information using add or update a listing. The pre-populated information disappers on rapnet preexsting  listing. especial the diamond image. which is a lot of work to add and go back and fix.

7. Examples of  18 missing fields that are not on the check my sells on rapnet import.

Thanks for your attention.

were excited to have this fixed.
Thanks in advance
Steve Lawrence- Project manager of my own software. and CEO of  My own Diamonds for sale company.

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Steve Lawrence
02/15/2013 09:03

6 Replies:

I errored in my post on the exact fields missing on the import... Diamond image is the big one.

THanks steve

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Steve Lawrence
2/15/2013 9:08:00 AM
Sorry there is no way to edit my post..... It has a few collapsed concepts both the all topic is true.

I just need to trouble shoot which fields are missing. But the big one of the moment is the diamond image field however there all important if data is previously populated on my listing detail.

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Steve Lawrence
2/15/2013 9:11:00 AM

Yes, you are right, we will work to fix this as soon as possible.



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Leo Muller
2/17/2013 12:32:00 AM
Thanks LEO: The sooner the better so we can update our stones without having to manually go into each stone on my listing to fix or update.

My programer pointed out the fix is simpler than I stated.

He said".....
1. Just make sure you update the plugin for the Rap06 that "check my sells on RapNet that it imports all the 68 fields instead of 50 to our microsoft excel spreat sheet.

2. Then on the Post my sells on RapNet just allow it to export all 68 fields and this should correct the issue on are end.

3. Please also make sure it will still work on rap06 for excel 2003. Is this is what I have at the time and I have not wanted to update for older plug in reasons for other programs I am using.

Thanks Steve

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Steve Lawrence
2/17/2013 1:10:00 PM
Thanks LEO: The sooner the better so we can update our stones without having to manually go into each stone on my listing to fix or update.

My programer pointed out the fix is simpler than I stated.

He said".....
1. Just make sure you update the plugin for the Rap06 that "check my sells on RapNet that it imports all the 68 fields instead of 50 to our microsoft excel spreat sheet.

2. Then on the Post my sells on RapNet just allow it to export all 68 fields and this should correct the issue on are end.

3. Please also make sure it will still work on rap06 for excel 2003. Is this is what I have at the time and I have not wanted to update for older plug in reasons for other programs I am using.

Thanks Steve

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Steve Lawrence
2/17/2013 1:10:00 PM
RapNet06 has all the columns now when you click 'check my sells".

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Leo Muller
3/21/2013 9:23:00 AM