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Thread: Dowload

When using

PriceSheetURL = ""
 PriceSheetURL = PriceSheetURL & "?ticket=" & AuthenticationTicket

for downloading the Rounds into CSV format

PriceSheetURL = ""
PriceSheetURL = PriceSheetURL & "?ticket=" & AuthenticationTicket

However it wont work.

Pls help

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Using Code as generated though download
09/23/2011 10:42

1 Replies:


I don't know what error you got, but from the code you posted it looks like you have a string formatting problem. Since the second URL already has parameters, you should add the extra ticket parameters with an ampersend (&) and not a questionmark (?) which is only for the first parameter.

so it should be like this:

DownloadURL = ""
DownloadURL  = DownloadURL & "&ticket=" & AuthenticationTicket



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Leo Muller
9/25/2011 12:10:00 AM