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Thread: Not able to login to webservices with rapnet username and password

Hello There,

I have an account with link plus on the and I am successfully able to login on rapnet website. But now I want to use the webservices through SOAP inspite of CURL .The problem I am facing is :

When I use SOAP to connect to the webservices through WSDL I am unable to login with the same credentials I used in CURL and to login on

I am using PHP.

Please provide me suggestions for this how I can achieve the functionality with SOAP.

Thanks in advance.


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Nicky Dutta
11/28/2010 07:19

1 Replies:

I see your RapLink Plus (webservices) subscription ended a few days ago. I will forward this to customer service, so they can help you. (

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Leo Muller
11/28/2010 7:42:00 AM