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Thread: how to refresh all diamonds in rapnet

i have a problem of expiry of diamond on rapnet. how can i referesh all record before weekly expiry.i want to do this by webservice. if any one know this just give me the solution.

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08/30/2010 07:58

1 Replies:




Please try this:


DiamondManager webServiceManager = new DiamondManager();

webServiceManager.Timeout = 600000;

webServiceManager.Login("user", "pass");



UploadLotsParameters uploadManager = new UploadLotsParameters();


KeepAliveParameters aliveParameters = new KeepAliveParameters();

aliveParameters.KeepAliveType = KeepAliveTypes.AllMemberLots;


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Ahaliav Fox
8/30/2010 9:14:00 AM