
$client = new SoapClient("https://technet.rapaport.com/WebServices/RetailFeed/Feed.asmx?WSDL",
      array( "trace" => 1, "exceptions" => 0, "cache_wsdl" => 0) );

$params = array('Username'=>'username', 'Password'=>'password);
$client->__soapCall("Login", array($params), NULL, NULL, $output_headers);

$ticket = $output_headers["AuthenticationTicketHeader"]->Ticket;

$client1 = new SoapClient("https://technet.rapaport.com/WebServices/RetailFeed/Feed.asmx?WSDL", array( "trace" => 1, "exceptions" => 0, "cache_wsdl" => 0) );

$ns = "http://technet.rapaport.com/";
$headerBody = array("Ticket" => $ticket);
$header = new SoapHeader($ns, 'AuthenticationTicketHeader', $headerBody);

$searchParams = array(
"ShapeCollection" => array("ROUND", "PEAR"),
"LabCollection" => array("GIA"),
"ColorFrom" => "D",
"ColorTo" => "J",
"ClarityFrom" => "IF",
"ClarityTo" => "I1",
"SizeFrom" => "0.3",
"SizeTo" => "1.5",
"CutFrom" => "EXCELLENT",
"CutTo" => "GOOD",
"GirdleSizeMin" => "EXTR_THICK",
"GirdleSizeMax" => "SLIGHTLY_THICK",
"TablePercentFrom" => "48.2",
"TablePercentTo" => "73.4",
"DepthPercentFrom" => "33.86",
"DepthPercentTo" => "73.8",
"MeasLengthFrom" => "3.7",
"MeasLengthTo" => "6.4",
"MeasWidthFrom" => "2.8",
"MeasWidthTo" => "7.9",
"MeasDepthFrom" => "2.7",
"MeasDepthTo" =>"3.86",
"PriceFrom" => "1",
"PriceTo" => "999999",
"PageNumber" => 1,
"PageSize" => 25,
"SortDirection" => "ASC",
"SortBy" => "PRICE"

$params1 = array("SearchParams" => $searchParams, "DiamondsFound" => 0);
$results=$client1->__soapCall("GetDiamonds", array($params1), NULL, NULL, $output_headers);

//You can improve performance by making the first login request over HTTPS, like above, and the second request to get the diamonds over HTTP.

echo '<h2>Result diamonds</h2><pre>';
