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Thread: No Results for "Fancy" Stones

Doing any kind of search for a fancy stone is resulting in "No Diamonds Found".

Tested from my own code, and from

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05/23/2021 08:29

5 Replies:

Hi Yossi 
If you go to RapNet > Instant inventory 
Did you select fancy stones in your rules criteria 

A great way to check if your API's are working is :
Goto RapNet > Instant Inventory 
Select Feeds 
Select Preview 

This will show you your widget and how many stones you have in your feed 


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RapNet Technical
5/24/2021 2:57:00 AM
If I go to Instant Inventory -> Generate your own code, put in my username and password, and change the drop down menu "Search Type" to Fancy, it doesn't matter what options I select besides that, I get no results, and similarly, if I use 

"body": {
"search_type": "Fancy",

with any option in my request I don't get any results.

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5/25/2021 1:30:00 PM
Hi Yossi 
If you go to Instant Inventory > Preview in RapNet 
1) do you see fancy diamonds ?
2) Please can you check if you have set up a search for Fancy colored diamonds in your feeds 

If you provide me with your RapNet Id 
I can set up a troubleshooting session 


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RapNet Technical
5/26/2021 3:23:00 AM
I am currently not seeing an option to search for fancy diamonds under my preview.
My Rapnet ID is 105581.   My IT guy's email, and his name is Michael.  If you could setup a troubleshooting session with him, I would be grateful.

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5/26/2021 3:58:00 PM
HI Yossi 
After checking your account 
I see you have not selected Fancy stones in your Diamond feed criteria 
That is why your are not seeing Fancy stones in your feed 

Please create a Rule for Fancy diamonds

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RapNet Technical
5/27/2021 3:50:00 AM