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Thread: data json with video

Is there any product which comes with video that I could test? Currently all diamonds retrieved "has_sarineloupe": false or is it just there is none?

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11/18/2019 07:23

11 Replies:

Have you tried 
YouTube and Vimeo videos

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11/18/2019 11:35:00 AM
Can I get an example how to make a request for a video?

My json structure below:
    "request": {
     "header": {
     "username": "usename",
      "password": "password"
"body": {
     "search_type": "White",
     "has_sarineloupe": true,
      "page_number": 1,
      "page_size": 20,
      "sort_by": "price",
      "sort_direction": "Asc"

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11/19/2019 3:42:00 AM
I accidentally left the credentials, can you please delete post or the sensitive data after the reply.

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11/19/2019 3:45:00 AM

Currently we don't do videos in Instant Inventory , or in Rapnet in general.
You can upload 1 image for a diamond.
You can also use an external link where you can do whatever you want with it (images or videos).

We are working on improving the video options


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11/19/2019 4:26:00 AM
"request": {
"header": {
"username": "awesome",
"password": "jsonrocks"

"body": {
"diamond_id": 110076550

I would like to double check If I understood everything correctly. The request I make above with a diamond ID taken from where I filtered diamonds with videos. The response I am getting is "error_message": "No Diamond was found"  Is it bad request structure on my side or is it just not possible to request for videos at the moment in general?   (I see there is still my previous post with credentials left in json, if  possible can yo edit out the sensitive data, replace with random header request?)

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11/20/2019 5:54:00 AM
After looking deeper into the code , I understand that:
1. Videos are not supported in instant inventory (but are supported in Rapnet in general).
2. "No Diamond was found" is not an error - just says that there are no diamonds listed.
3. To get a diamond, the full flow is:
a. Login
b. Call to GetDiamonds
c. Take 1 diamondID that was returned from the response and put it in GetSingleDiamond.

The id that you put in the requested above, is it returned from GetDiamonds API?

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11/20/2019 7:51:00 AM
Thank you for clarification. The id I put in json request was pulled from with video. I did that to see if I can get it with GetDiamonds API

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11/21/2019 5:03:00 AM
I understand the API now supports video via "video_url" element.
So my questions are:
- How can I find information about new API features? I only found video_url by accident.
- What kind of video formats are supported? e.g. what can I expect to get with these URLs?

>> add a comment
8/4/2020 4:08:00 AM

These can be uploaded via csv or single uploads

File formats

File Size is 10MB.
Only JPEG, PNG, GIF, ZIP are accepted.

ZIP is accepted but . ZIP file containing invalid formats will upload only accepted formats of images

To Upload Images

1) Got Diamond > Media library

2) Click Upload new Media. A dropdown list appears

3) Upload New Media for single media


Upload csv with Image links for multiple links

4) Browse for media and click Upload

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Rapnet Technical
8/4/2020 4:45:00 AM
Here is a link to our help articles regarding media


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Rapnet Technical
8/4/2020 4:49:00 AM
Thanks. This explains a few things and it's all I need. However, it would be nice if you updated the Instant Inventory / Custom Integration documentation as well (e.g. on this page: ) .
It would also be nice if Instant Inventory users would be informed when you introduce new possibilities.

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8/4/2020 7:36:00 AM