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Thread: Value of Color Changed on API Upload

One of our stones that we upload from Salesforce via API is changing the value of "Color" from "Fancy" to "F". The stone is then rejected for being too expensive (Error: "It is prohibited to list a price more than 300% over the Rapaport price list").
When I compare the "DownloadUploadFile" to the "Download Invalid Diamonds" I see that the value of "Color" has changed from "Fancy" to "F", but this has not happened with any other Fancy Color stones.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to what might be wrong?


(Sorry to double post, but I just realized that the last post in the Developer Forum was months ago.)

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Brian Oconnell - White Pine
12/11/2018 11:39

2 Replies:

Please see the discussion and answers at Developer Forum Topic 6374 here -

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Tech customer support -Zalman
12/12/2018 12:07:00 PM
Please see the discussion and answers at Developer Forum Topic 6374 here -

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Tech customer support -Zalman
1/14/2019 11:42:00 AM