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Thread: Access my own inventory Via API

I wish to access my own inventory via API. Is there a simple way to do it?
I have used API's to upload my diamonds, but how do I view all my diamonds, so that I can display it on my website as well?
Please let me know.
Thank you.

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06/21/2018 02:48

1 Replies:

You asked for an API to use and  " ... how do I view all my diamonds, so that I can display it on my website as well?".

We do have the Instant Inventory Add-on, to display other sellers diamonds on your website and you can include your own RapNet diamonds in the Instant Inventory also.  You can contact your customer service rep for additional details and you can look here for more info and a demo ( ).

We do not have an API to download your own RapNet listing for adding to your own website.
Rather, we offer ways to upload your diamonds to RapNet.

You can use the RapNet My Listing Export All feature to get all your RapNet listing in an Excel file format here

If you have further questions, feel free to email to

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Tech customer support -Zalman
6/24/2018 12:03:00 PM