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Thread: Not Getting Price For Shape Except [Round/Pear]

I am using any API i.e

In Java it work's fine with Shape "Round" & "Pear", But not support other shapes.

So need your help as i need to use all shape.


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Chirag Shah
01/29/2018 07:15

2 Replies:

thats right, there are only two price lists round and pears. usually all the not round shapes are calculated according to the pears price list

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1/29/2018 8:04:00 AM
Thank you for contacting TechNet support Forum.

This reply contains some TechNet details, with reference to the previous reply:

Look at

"What diamonds are the price lists for and based on?

Round shaped diamonds Pear shaped diamonds. The 'pear shape price list' is often used as a price guideline for other fancy shapes. Well-shaped, fine-cut diamonds. Not for fancy colored diamonds. Diamonds of 1-10 carat size. For 6+ carat diamonds, dealers generally base prices on 10 carat price listings. The Rapaport Price List for round diamonds is the most widely used list. This list is used for round shaped diamonds as well as old European cuts."

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Tech customer support -Zalman
1/29/2018 9:53:00 AM