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Thread: Instant Inventory Own Stock Questions

A couple of questions for the "own stock" feature in Instant Inventory.

Is there any API available to upload our diamond list, or is the csv upload through the website the only option?

How long does it take for the diamonds we upload to be available in the Instant Inventory search?

Is there a way to distinguish our stock diamonds from other RapNet diamonds, possibly having them appear first, in the search interface using one of the pre-built templates?  We are using the search internally and it would be nice if our salespeople could easily tell which ones are ours.


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08/24/2017 06:02

2 Replies:

Ben - Good Questions!
I have some answers and some I need to confirm first.  If you have additional questions, feel free to email us at

Question: Is there any API available to upload our diamond list, or is the csv upload through the website the only option?  
Answer: Currently, the cvs upload is the only way to upload 'Own Stock' diamonds for display on Instant Inventory.   I plan to check for any unpublished API that can upload to 'Own Stock'.

QuestionHow long does it take for the diamonds we upload to be available in the Instant Inventory search?
Answer: It takes up to four hours to refresh the Instant Inventory feed, including adding the 'Own Stock' inventory to the Instant Inventory feed.

QuestionIs there a way to distinguish our stock diamonds from other RapNet diamonds, possibly having them appear first, in the search interface using one of the pre-built templates? We are using the search internally and it would be nice if our salespeople could easily tell which ones are ours.
- This makes sense - you could add these ideas in the Help Center/ 'Ideas Forum - Post Ideas'  where this can be voted on by fellow customers. found here
-  Currently, all Instant Inventory feeds and 'Own Diamonds' are gathered at once - every four hours - and they are all searchable together.  You might indicate your stock.using the 'Member Comments' fields.

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Rapaport Tech Customer Service
8/28/2017 4:12:00 AM
Thanks for your answers.  

A couple of additional questions comes to mind:

Is there a frequency that the "Own Stock" diamonds must be refreshed (uploaded again), or do they stay in the system indefinitely?  

Does every "Own Stock" csv upload replace the entire list that was uploaded previously?


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8/28/2017 4:13:00 PM