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Thread: Error when using Download Listing Service

Dear Support Team,

I have trouble when trying to use Download Listing Server, the error says: The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send. This works well on my pc, it's not on our server on another IP.

Please advice.

Hoai An

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Hoai An
07/12/2017 03:49

5 Replies:

how do you download your file ? from RapNet , or via  technet api ?

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7/12/2017 5:15:00 AM

I download data via technet api:

The download just throws error a couple of days on our server. In the past, it is still fine.

Please advice.

Hoai An

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Hoai An
7/12/2017 8:59:00 PM
try again , let me know if you get error

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7/13/2017 8:05:00 AM
Hi Reuven,

I still get the error. Please check my ip connecting to Rapnet via my account. I think Rapnet has blocked the ip of my server.

Hoai An

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Hoai An
7/13/2017 8:15:00 PM
i am using instantinventory >> Custome Integration >> c# .NET code as per your web site
 and getting Error at below ginen code line

DataSet ds = RF.GetDiamonds(Params, ref DiamondsCount);  

Error : The underlying connection was closed: The connection was closed unexpectedly.

what should i do for this

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amrut from Gemsake
10/2/2017 12:41:00 AM