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Thread: All of a sudden all stones are returning 0 values

Did anything change overnight with this system?

I've been using NUSOAP implementation for weeks now, and all of a sudden all queries to RAP are returning 0 for all stones and combinations.

How do I troubleshoot this?!

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04/01/2016 10:38

27 Replies:

I'm having the same problem, but I've noticed that it's only for carat weights above 5.99.  It's an odd error, and is currently causing me some pain, as I'm doing a project for a client that needs this to, you know, work.

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4/6/2016 4:32:00 PM
which API you  are using?
Can you send me the code you are using?

>> add a comment
4/13/2016 3:44:00 AM
I'm using this EXACT code:

It worked just fine a few weeks back, everything was being pulled just fine, updated prices and all, and now it's returning all zeros, no matter what data and values I end up submitting.

I can't be the only one with this issue....

>> add a comment
4/20/2016 1:24:00 AM

>> add a comment
4/22/2016 10:28:00 AM
Hi Serb,
Sorry for the late response.
Are you using the nusoap.php as we showed in the code sample? which php version do you use?

>> add a comment
4/24/2016 5:06:00 AM
Yes, using latest version of nusoap.php from
and on PHP 5.6.20 on Litespeed server (and/or Apache - we tried switching between the two and still no go)

>> add a comment
4/25/2016 3:45:00 PM

>> add a comment
4/27/2016 9:33:00 AM
We are investigating it further to see why it stopped working for you. Just to make sure, did you change the server? the nusoap or php version?
Can you send me your code so I can test it with the exact code you use (even if you use our sample code). You can send it to my email- 

>> add a comment
5/1/2016 6:28:00 AM
Hi Serb, 
I have another suggestion, can you change the rap_soapUrl to  ?

waiting for response from you,

>> add a comment
5/2/2016 6:04:00 AM
That new URL worked!

I don't know what you did or what the difference is on that new URL, but yes, that worked just fine - prices are showing up instantly now.

Thank you.

Can I keep using that URL from now on, or was that just a temporary thing?

>> add a comment
5/4/2016 3:43:00 AM

I'm glad to hear your issue is resolved.
You can keep using this URL.

Please feel free to contact us for any further questions.

Inbal :)

>> add a comment
5/4/2016 3:50:00 AM
Hey Inbal,

Just started experiencing this all over again (returning 0 / nothing for any given combination of parameters), just out of the blue - it started yesterday, and neither one of the URLs below is returning anything other than 0:

Can you look into that somehow?


>> add a comment
7/11/2017 2:29:00 PM

>> add a comment
7/16/2017 8:53:00 AM
Serb, Sorry for the delay in addressing this issue --- 

Which API method and function are you using now?  

Please send a copy of the code you are using with your customer number as part of the email subject to, so we can test it here and quickly get back to you.

We looked at the URL you send and tried the 'getprice' function using your user name and password.  And the request did work.

waiting for response from you,

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Tech - Zalman
7/16/2017 10:07:00 AM
Email sent yesterday, let me know when you get it and take a look at it, via email preferably. 

>> add a comment
7/21/2017 4:07:00 AM
Serb - A Tech us checking the issue . . . 

>> add a comment
7/24/2017 10:42:00 AM
Any luck yet?

I haven't received anything via email either....

>> add a comment
7/26/2017 7:06:00 PM
Anyone there? No responses on here or by email yet and it's been a week or two.

>> add a comment
8/4/2017 5:54:00 PM
So customer support here or via email is non-existent, huh?

Well that's a shame... and quite disappointing. 

As you've got a good product... when it works. And when it doesn't there is nobody to answer any sort of technical inquiries (and it's been months since someone actually answered here or via repeated emails I keep sending you every week or two as a reminder).

>> add a comment
9/5/2017 12:07:00 AM


Again, for 100th time - we have changed nothing on our end, the code has remained the same, but somehow all queries are returning 0 for months now, and every time I contact your tech support you just respond with "It has been fixed" while the problem still persists and nothing has really been fixed... 

Does anyone even work here, monitor this area or are any of those tech guys even fixing anything, actually, or just responding with templated answers and playing video games all day instead?

>> add a comment
3/29/2018 1:35:00 AM
This must be frustrating - Are you available now for a phone call?

Please send your contact info and which RapNet customer you are helping - to or feel free to contact your RapNet customer service rep, Netta Lee.

Please send me  ( the phone number or skype address, so I call and find out what is going on.  Thank you.

tech customer support

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Tech customer support -Zalman
3/29/2018 8:54:00 AM
Since that API is not working for you, I suggest you switch to the newer JASON API, which is also easier to use.

The JASON API is here

And the explanation is here

If you run into any issues or have any questions, please contact your customer service rep or you can contact me at

And please feel free to send the phone number and a good time if you request a call back.

Thank you.

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Tech customer support -Zalman
3/29/2018 9:28:00 AM
I sent numerous emails to that address, even one more last night, and still no answer from you guys, so I don't know if you're getting them at all or what a heck is going on... 

>> add a comment
3/29/2018 7:17:00 PM
And that JSON code sample is even more convoluted than your previous SOAP one:

Can't you make a simple version of that using jQuery and a standard JavaScript format that everyone else uses, instead all these WebRequests and Streams and whatnot? 

You know, something even a 2 year old could plug into a jQuery $.ajax() or $.post() method and call it a day, instead of setting this thing up looking like putting together a nuclear bomb.

I mean, if you're gonna put up examples of code of what SHOULD work (like that SOAP method at at least make sure it DOES work, as we've done everything in our power to figure out what's wrong and couldn't come even close. We've emailed you guys to look into it, and few times we did get a response all we got was "It should be fixed now, try it again", and nothing has been changed, the same problem persisted. Could you at least include some debug errors in the response to give us a better idea what's not working and where the problem is?

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3/29/2018 9:18:00 PM
This last week and this is a Israel Holiday week and tech answers might be affected by vacations - not by lack of caring.

1) As previously requested. please send your contact info, phone number or skype address, so I call and find out what is going on.

2) P
lease send which RapNet customer you are helping - to or feel free to contact your RapNet customer service rep, Netta Lee.

3) Also, perhaps you would like to offer to code an additional API method, in the language and manner of your choice. and your requested compensation, to your customer service rep.  This request might be considered and implemented to the benefit of all RapNet and Tech Net users.  Please respond by email and not in the public forum.  Thank you.

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Tech customer support -Zalman
4/2/2018 9:22:00 AM
This still doesn't work, a year later.

Can you provide me with your Skype account so I can contact you directly somehow (I don't feel comfortable leaving my name/email/skype information on a public forum like this) so we can sort this out once and for all.

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5/27/2019 3:48:00 PM
Hi Serb,

We can be reached by phone at 702-893-9400. You can also email us directly at

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RapNet Support
5/28/2019 7:05:00 PM