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Thread: Error message when searching for matched pairs

thanks, meanwhile I'm trying to do a matching pairs search for specific user ID and the server chocked and I get the message below: Dear customer, we were unable to show you the search results you requested due to a very high load on our system right now. Please try again in a few minutes. You can simply press the 'Refresh (F5)' option in your browser. all the best. Zevika

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08/30/2009 02:04

1 Replies:

Problem solved
Hi Zevika, From time to time our system can be under some load, taking longer time than expected to return the search results. In this case the problem seemed to appear much more frequent than acceptable, so our software engineers took a look into this. They found a way to improve the underlying search and I am glad to inform you that this problem should not happen that often any more (hopefully not at all :-) anymore).

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Leo Muller
8/30/2009 2:11:00 AM