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Thread: How to get all 3 diamond feeds (white diamonds, Fancy and Parcel) in one URL

With new Rapnet DLS ; we can only retrieve one type of diamond White/Fancy Color/Parcels
Rapnet DLS feed setting screen is provided single select Radio button to select any one of these

If we try to publish another list with different name we get the same URL and same data set

Our requirement is to pull white and fancy colour diamonds together / or through two separate lists. Both are not possible

How to overcome this issue?


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11/02/2014 04:39

1 Replies:


In the new DLS you can  have many feeds . one for white and one for fancy, one for USA suppliers and one for  Indian suppliers etc.

the result is one file that contains diamonds from all your feeds. there is no option to get the feeds separately.



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11/2/2014 4:50:00 AM