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Thread: search Fancy Color Diamonds

I am trying to be able to search Fancy Color Diamond using the PHP/nusoap sample code you provided.
Instead of  $searchparams["SearchType"] = "WHITE";
i have         $searchparams["SearchType"] = "FANCY";
and adding these:
$searchparams["FancyColorIntensityFrom"] = "FAINT";
$searchparams["FancyColorIntensityTo"] = "VERY_LIGHT";

but the result are all white diamonds.
Right now in the setting of my back end(when creating the Rapnet Inventory List ), White Diamonds option is chosen. Should i have this change to Fancy Color Diamonds to get the result of both White and Fancy Color diamonds?

Please help as this is urgent for me.


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09/15/2014 12:50

4 Replies:

Yes, you need to define another feed for Fancy Color.

>> add a comment
9/16/2014 1:01:00 AM
I use soapClient to get the diamond list. It works fine for White diamonds search. However, i can't search for fancy diamonds. I already created a separate list feed in the back end for Fancy color diamond but result always came out 0 found.
Below is my code:

$searchParams = array(
"SearchType" => "FANCY",
"FancyColorCollection" => array('YELLOW', 'PINK', 'BROWN', 'GREEN', 'BLACK', 'BLUE', 'ORANGE', 'GRAY'),
"FancyColorIntensityFrom" => "FAINT",
"FancyColorIntensityTo" => "FANCY_DEEP",
"ShapeCollection" => array('ROUND'),
"ColorFrom" => $colorFrom, "ColorTo" => $colorTo,
"ClarityFrom" => $clarityMin, "ClarityTo" => $clarityMax,
"SizeFrom" => $sizeFrom, "SizeTo" => $sizeTo,

"LabCollection" => $labs,

"PolishFrom" => $polishFrom, "PolishTo" => $polishTo,
"SymmetryFrom" => $symFrom, "SymmetryTo" => $symTo,

"PriceFrom" => $priceFrom, "PriceTo" => $priceTo,

"PageNumber" => $pageNum,
"PageSize" => 30,
"SortDirection" => "ASC",
"SortBy" => "PRICE"

Thisis the value of searchParams array when i print it out:

[SearchType] => FANCY
[FancyColorCollection] => Array
[0] => YELLOW
[1] => PINK
[2] => BROWN
[3] => GREEN
[4] => BLACK
[5] => BLUE
[6] => ORANGE
[7] => GRAY

[FancyColorIntensityFrom] => FAINT
[FancyColorIntensityTo] => FANCY_DEEP
[ShapeCollection] => Array
[0] => ROUND

[ColorFrom] => D
[ColorTo] => K
[ClarityFrom] => IF
[ClarityTo] => SI2
[SizeFrom] => 0.01
[SizeTo] => 50.00
[LabCollection] => Array
[0] => GIA
[1] => IGI
[2] => AGS
[3] => HRD

[PolishFrom] => Excellent
[PolishTo] => Fair
[SymmetryFrom] => Excellent
[SymmetryTo] => Fair
[PriceFrom] => 25
[PriceTo] => 50000000
[PageNumber] => 1
[PageSize] => 30
[SortDirection] => ASC
[SortBy] => PRICE
[FluorescenceIntensityCollection] => Array
[0] => NONE
[2] => FAINT
[3] => MEDIUM
[4] => SLIGHT
[5] => STRONG

Could u please tell what i did wrong? As soon as possible please.

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9/24/2014 1:11:00 PM
You have to create a separate request for Fancy and for white.
If you create Fancy request
the color settings are only
[ColorFrom] => D
[ColorTo] => K
ColorFrom,ColorTo are only for white.

>> add a comment
9/28/2014 4:42:00 AM
Ah! My bad. It works now. Thanks, Reuven

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9/30/2014 1:05:00 PM