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Thread: Newbie Question on Searching RapNet Through API


I'm new to RapNet API so please pardon my ignorance.

For our in-house inventory application, I would like to add a feature to search RapNet inventory directly from my application. Is that possible to do it with any available API? Can I use Inventory Link API for it?

Thanks for your help in advance.


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Dewang Mistry
01/23/2014 08:57

3 Replies:

welcome to RapNet API!

There is no way to search RapNet inventory directly from your application. Using Inventory Link you can get only diamonds of sellers that allow you to download their diamonds through Inventory Link (About 33% of the diamonds in RapNet)


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1/23/2014 9:54:00 AM
Thanks for your quick reply.

I see that the RapNet app on iPhone lets you search for inventory. Is it using some private API?

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Dewang Mistry
1/23/2014 3:12:00 PM

The RapNet mobile app uses a private API indeed. 

Public API's that are available are 'Inventory Link' and 'DLS'.
Other than that there is a set to manage your own stock as well.



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1/26/2014 12:24:00 AM