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Thread: inventory link - How to get the vendor id for each diamond in result

except for vendor Diamond ID i have no indication of who the vendor is.
how can i get the vendor id/name via webservice?

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07/14/2013 06:50

2 Replies:

Use the method "GetSingleDiamond" to get full diamond information, including more vender details

GetDiamonds method returns:
DiamondID, ShapeTitle, Weight, ColorTitle, ClarityTitle, CutLongTitle, LabID, LabTitle, RapNetPrice, FinalPrice, CertificateNumber, VendorStockNumber, SymmetryGroupID, SymmetryTitle, PolishGroupID, PolishTitle, DepthPercent, TablePercent, MeasLength, MeasWidth, MeasDepth, GirdleSizeMin, GirdleSizeMax, GirdleConditionTitle, CuletSizeTitle, CuletConditionTitle, FluorescenceColorTitle, FluorescenceIntensityTitle, HasCertFile

GetSingleDiamond returns:
DiamondID,  ShapeTitle, Weight, ColorTitle, ClarityTitle,  CutLongTitle, labTitle, RapNetPrice, FinalPrice ,  CertificateNumber, Act_No,
Company, Name, Email,  Phone, COUNTRY , STATE, CITY, VendorStockNumber,  SymmetryTitle, PolishTitle, DepthPercent, TablePercent, MeasLength, MeasWidth, MeasDepth, GirdleSizeMin , GirdleSizeMax, GirdleConditionTitle, CuletSizeTitle, CuletConditionTitle, FluorescenceColorTitle, FluorescenceIntensityTitle, HasCertFile,  DiamondLocationCountry, DiamondLocationCity

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7/15/2013 12:23:00 AM
Thank you very much

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7/15/2013 8:48:00 AM