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Thread: Can't get diamond by JSON

I'm trying to get Diamond By Json using the following data(or some other DiamondId):
{ "request": { "header": { "username": "MyUid", "password": "MyPassword" }, "body":{ "diamond_id": 40910419 } } }

By it says
        "error_message":"No Diamond was found"
    "body":{ }
And I checked in the Inventory List, 40910419 exists.

So, Why I can't get the detail by JSON?

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Fantasy Fan
02/24/2013 10:23

3 Replies:


in order to acticvte your RapLink service you have to define the diamonds that you want in your feed. right now you have no diamonds in your feed. you can craete your feed here


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2/25/2013 7:34:00 AM
I can see the following information:
Diamonds: 144655;Suppliers: 560;

but when I tried to get data by json again, it repeated that message above. What's going on?

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Fantasy Fan
3/7/2013 6:39:00 AM
It should work, your JSON is right, I tested it and it gives the diamond details.
Just for the full diamond details, post to this URL:

if you send it to the wrong URL (GetDiamonds.aspx) you will get an 'invalid format' error.

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Leo Muller
3/7/2013 6:57:00 AM