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Thread: Custom Retail Feed


In the process of implementing a custom Retail Feed for a client using with nusoap

Looking at the sample code the predefined interface has the ability to filter by diamond cut, lab, fluorescence, polish, etc. What are the search keys for these in php? i.e. for the following search array

$searchparams ["Shape"]         = $shape; 
$searchparams ["SizeFrom"] = $carat_lower; 
$searchparams ["SizeTo"]         = $carat_upper; 
$searchparams ["ColorFrom"]         = $colour;
$searchparams ["ColorTo"] = $colour;
$searchparams ["ClarityFrom"] = $clarity;
$searchparams ["ClarityTo"] = $clarity;
$searchparams ["CutFrom"] = $cut; 
$searchparams ["CutTo"]         = $cut; 
$searchparams ["PriceFrom"]         = $price_lower; 
$searchparams ["PriceTo"] = $price_upper; 
$searchparams ["Page"] = $page;
$searchparams ["PageSize"] = 5; 
$searchparams ["DiamondsFound"] = 0;
$info = $client->call ('GetDiamonds', array ('parameters' => $searchparams), '', '', false, true); 

Also what is the search key for returning matched pairs for earrings? This does not appear to be available in the iframe version.

Ideally would prefer to not download and store all the diamonds

Many Thanks,

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11/05/2012 11:58

3 Replies:

hi Áine

for multi shapes labs etc. you may use our new service here

right now we do not return matched pairs but i'll pass your request to our product manager


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11/6/2012 3:00:00 AM

There are websites that have the matched pairs from Rapnet, which feed would be required to get the matched pairs, or do they need to be matched programatically by our system?


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11/13/2012 5:06:00 AM
Matched pair is not supported by the RapLink feed that you are using. If you want to sell these you will need to use the classic DLS (download listings service), and handle them with your own system.

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Leo Muller
11/15/2012 7:18:00 AM