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Thread: HTTP Requests to Raplink Not working since last week.

Our automated daily csv download has been working flawlessly since last week when it started returning 

In order to use the HTTP interface with Rapaport you must provide your username and password. You can only send your credentials over HTTPS in POST data. Once sent you can choose to use the authentication ticket for further requests see example, or send your username and password in each request (see example). The authentication ticket is valid for 1 hour.

No Code on our end has changed and our Credentials are still valid. Any help would be appreciated.


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Jarod Knoten
10/01/2012 01:21

2 Replies:

you dont have the download listings service package. please call our customer service


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10/2/2012 2:18:00 AM
Ok.. Done !! I have to mention that I want RAW DATA then they activated that service.
 Anyway it done now... 
but now another problem arised

Since long waiting for reply or help from CC but no one there who knows the perfect way to access the web service.

still waiting ....

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7/3/2013 5:49:00 AM