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Thread: RapLink Diamond Feed permissions

Dear Sir,

We are developing a software for that we need the stones data of all the rapnet members.Those who has not given permission, It shows a message You can not download this member's RapNet listings. So what is the way to get the data of all the members


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07/10/2010 03:20

2 Replies:

RapNet is very careful with our member's personal and diamond information.  Our view is that the owner of the diamond own the information about that diamonf therefore diamond data is available to download only from those members who specify they will allow you to download their data. 

Many members don't want their lists distributed or shown on internet sites.  This can be for many reasons such as not selling stones on memo or accepting returns, etc. 

What we recommend you do is search for relevant suppliers, establish a relationship with them, then ask if they can give you permission to download their stones.  They can grant you permission from your member directory entry.   Another way to request permission is to
post a message on the RapNet forums asking for members to allow you to download their diamond data (explain a bit about yourself as well).  

Please be in touch with us by email to expalin more about your software.  Perhaps we can help you with a solution to your issues.  Email s           @      diamonds  . net

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RapNet - Saville Stern
7/13/2010 8:18:00 AM

We are looking for a good developer to build an Ajax based diamond search function for retail jewellery site. We want to use "RapNet Inventory Link Dataset Download"

Please let me know about your software

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8/3/2011 12:07:00 PM