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Thread: Delphi support arrived! Last few questions...

  Hi Guys!

OK, I now managed to write successful Delphi code to connect to technet! I am sussing out the last few bugs and need some technical assistance:

1. Login issues:
   Once I coded my Service.Login() function it logs on fine, but when I create an instance of RapaportProcesSoap and pass the 4Cs variables, I get one of two different AV's:
      a) When I call the GetPrice() function AFTER calling the Login() function I get: "Unable to process             request -> You are not logged in"
      b) or I get: "Access Violation...."
2. Upon Importing the WSDL Data types, Delphi converted xsd:decimal types to TXSDecimal, which has several sub-properties declared, such as DecimalString and BCD - none of which accept standard String/WideString or Float values respectively. This created yet another AV.

I am using HTTPS for the Login() calls and currently remain on HTTPS for subsequent calls. Is this the problem?

Any advice would be appreciated!

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Hendrik Potgieter
04/13/2010 03:21

5 Replies:

when you call get prices do you pass the ticket?

In the xml it looks something like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<Envelope xmlns="">


    <AuthenticationTicketHeader xmlns="">










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Ahaliav Fox
4/14/2010 1:02:00 AM
Hi Ahaliav,

I actually do not. I assumed that the ticket is return within the context of the Login() function and subsequently passed as such to calls following the login process? I guess not.

I have test generated a authentication ticket on your site, but I have now return values/parameters from the Delphi function calls with which to access this ticket. Any idea how I can get my hands on the ticket generated on every Login() call?

Looking forward to your assistance!

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Hendrik Potgieter
4/14/2010 1:55:00 AM

You’re supposed to received from the login  something like this:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""

  xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">


    <AuthenticationTicketHeader xmlns="">





    <LoginResponse xmlns=""/>



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Ahaliav Fox
4/14/2010 2:07:00 AM
Hi There,

Delphi, upon importing the WSDL file, converted the function calls and Type Declarations to the closest compatible Delphi Data Types (String, DateTime, Double/Float). It successfully imported the three main functions, namely:


// ************************************************************************ //
  // Namespace :
  // soapAction:
  // transport :
  // binding   : RapaportPricesSoap
  // service   : RapaportPrices
  // port      : RapaportPricesSoap
  // URL       :
  // ************************************************************************ //
  RapaportPricesSoap = interface(IInvokable)
    procedure Login(const Username: WideString; const Password: WideString); stdcall;
    function  GetPriceSheet(const shape: Shapes): RapaportPriceSheet; stdcall;
    function  GetPrice(const shape: WideString; const size: Single; const color: WideString; const clarity: WideString): RapaportPrice; stdcall;


When calling the Login() function, I am only able to pass the Username and Password. The login function seems to work fine, but I get an error (not authenticated) when calling any subsequent functions. I can access the AuthenticationTickerHeader, but I get AV's when attempting to read the TICKET property... Herewith the Delphi code after translating from XML, for the AuthenticationTicketHeader within the NameSpace of


// ************************************************************************ //
  // Namespace :
  // ************************************************************************ //
  AuthenticationTicketHeader = class(TSOAPHeader)
    FTicket: WideString;
    property Ticket: WideString read FTicket write FTicket;


My problem is this: Even if I could successfully access the Ticket (WideString), how do i send it with my Login() call? OR Do I need to include this Ticket in the other functions and if so How? Neither of them [GetPrice(), GetPriceSheet()] accept a Ticket parameter/variable to go to the server. Any ideas on how I can fix this? Are there hidden functions lurking somewhere on the Rapaport server that the standard WSDL file does not expose?


Then, assuming that I was eventually able to make successful calls to GetPrice() and/or GetPriceSheet(), how do i import the Sheet.Prices dataset into a SQL Server/MS Access table? What is the official structure of the Rapaport Pricelist DB Table? I cannot seem to access rows/columns in the Prices returned variable... Unless "Prices" is actually sent as a Serialized string (like CSV), which I need to programmatically parse and break up into Rows/Columns?

My apologies for the many many questions, but it is very important for me to complete my software, as it will revolutionary for the international Diamond Trading Industry.

I look forward to any assistance, thank you very very very much!

Adios - Hendrik.

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Hendrik Potgieter
4/14/2010 10:12:00 AM

Xml sent

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<Envelope xmlns="">


    <Login xmlns="">






Xml received

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""

 xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">


    <AuthenticationTicketHeader xmlns="">





    <LoginResponse xmlns=""/>



Now for example i will call the function GetPrice()

Xml sent

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Envelope xmlns="">
    <AuthenticationTicketHeader xmlns="">
    <GetPrice xmlns="">

Xml received

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
  xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <GetPriceResponse xmlns="">
      <GetPriceResult Date="2010-03-19T00:00:00">

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Ahaliav Fox
4/15/2010 3:27:00 AM