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Thread: CSV File Upload Using API Error the operation has timed out.


I am use your Rapaport Semple code.

.csv file upload using API

ERROR : the operation has timed out.

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ravi vivid developer
08/24/2017 02:39

2 Replies:

The RapNet UPLOAD is working but going slow. It is being checked now. (Time is 4 AM EST - eastern Standard Time).

Any submitted upload might give a timeout message, but are still being processed.

It will take time to clear the upload queue and process all the waiting upload requests, but they are processing - slowly.

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Rapaport Tech Customer Service - Zalman
8/24/2017 4:08:00 AM
Hi Ravi and Hi all,
The Upload issue is fixed.
If you have any further upload issues, please contact us at,Thank you.

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Rapaport Tech Customer Service - Zalman
8/24/2017 7:11:00 AM