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Thread: put a new stone with existing report on rapt

Is there a quick way I can add a new diamond I bought with a certificate into my excel file which I upload to Rapnet.
Usually when I submit a stone with rapaport I can download the excel format and just paste it in. 
But when I buy a stone with a certificate it seems I have to write column by column the gia report details.
Please also note that I use a Mac.
Looking forward for a solution.
Thank you.

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05/29/2017 10:48

1 Replies:

Hi AR,

The RapnetXL excel add-on is quick way to add new diamonds.

Most, if not all, GIA column header values are accepted.  If a specific header value does not work, please let us know at

Fields and values you can use in CSV files containing your stock listings that you want to upload to RapNet can be found here.  The first row should contain the field headers - 
If you have a specific issue loading diamonds, you can contact us at

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Tech Customer Service- Zalman
7/25/2017 7:55:00 AM