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Thread: how do i get this style?

i like the way they did this style ( )of the diamond search with shopping cart. do i need inventory link or dls to achieve this?

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02/05/2015 12:14

2 Replies:

They did a nice job there indeed. 

Their data doesn't come from RapNet Inventory Link though, as a matter of fact it looks like they use Polygon as their information source. 

You could create something similar doing custom development using our RapNet inventory Link API's, but it is a big job.

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Leo Muller
2/8/2015 2:14:00 AM
Regarding the question of DLS or inventory link: DLS requires much more work to develop than Inventory Link, but it will give ultimate flexibility, allowing you to do anything you want. So it can be a good option. Also if you want to mix where the data comes from, e.g. also from RapNet, and also from another place, then DLS is the only option that will work. DLS will give more details of the diamonds than Inventory Link. 

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Leo Muller
2/8/2015 2:17:00 AM