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Thread: Suppliers missing from HTTP POST results, but not manual download


Certain suppliers which I have selected in my DLS settings are not included in the results I get from HTTP POST, but they are included when I download manually. How can I insure that the HTTP POST results are complete?

Thank you

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01/19/2015 12:23

5 Replies:

If you can give me a specific diamond id I can check. The manual download and programmatic download should get the exact same file. If you do a RapNet regular search however, you will find more diamonds, since not every vendor wants their listing to be downloaded by others. 



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Leo Muller
1/20/2015 1:11:00 AM

The manual download contains 2819 diamonds from the supplier Ideal Brilliant Co., account ID 13198. The programmatic download contains no diamonds from that supplier. Otherwise, the two downloads are identical.

Diamond ID 31300322 is one of the diamonds that is in the manual download but not the programmatic.

Thank you,


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1/20/2015 10:20:00 AM
I get same count of diamonds in manual download and programmatic download.maybe
you changed the seller settings and added it.
try again , If the problem persists check the maxBufferSize of your console.

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1/22/2015 6:57:00 AM

The programmatic download is now working correctly. Perhaps there's a lag time after setting up the suppliers.

Thank you for your help.

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1/22/2015 9:30:00 AM
the DLS stock is updated every four hours

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1/22/2015 9:43:00 AM