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Thread: Multiple feeds


We currently have a live download containing only white diamonds. We wish to add coloured diamonds to this.

I understand that we create a separate feed and that this will be combined in our download file, but I cannot feed any information on the following questions:

1. Are the white diamonds and coloured diamonds mixed in together or do they come in the download file as a block of white diamonds followed by a block of coloured diamonds?

2. Is there any simple way to determine the feed that a diamond's CSV record relates to? For example, is there a "feed name" that can be attached to a CSV record?

3. Is there a way of getting a test version of the download wiothout altering the live feed?

Kind regards


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12/03/2014 05:43

3 Replies:


the DLS gave  you the data but all the filtering and sorting should be on your side. that means that the answer to #1 and #2 is no.

regarding #3 - right now we do not have such an option but this is an interesting idea. we might add it in the future



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12/3/2014 7:11:00 AM
Thanks Ephraim,

I understand that the filtering should be done on our side, what I am unclear about is how to do that filtering. I am looking for a way to reliably separate the white and the coloured diamonds.

Kind regards


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12/3/2014 7:44:00 AM

there are two different fields to color and fancy color.

see here



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12/3/2014 8:47:00 AM