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Thread: Visual Basic 6 sample request

I am an old timer who has not updated his skills to newer development platforms. Does anyone have a VB6 example for downloading Rap price lists for Rounds and Fancies in a csv format? It would be much appreciated.

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Anthony Emmerick
12/03/2014 12:11

3 Replies:

 We have an VBA example, probably will work the same as VB6, but you can tell me:

If not, you you basically download the response from a URL, if you use the HTTPS it is one request per sheet without the hassle of authentication tickets. 

Hope this helped,



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12/3/2014 12:31:00 AM
Thanks Leo.

Unfortunately I cannot get it to work for me. What is the "objHTTP". Is it contained in a dll or ocx file?

Best wishes

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Anthony Emmerick
12/3/2014 8:55:00 AM
Maybe you need this: Set objXML = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")

or some other way to do an HTTP request in VB6...

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12/3/2014 9:02:00 AM