I have created a list for my user 92968 and I have a diamond list named WEBSITE with 49844 diamonds in the create your list section. But the inventory link only shows 47245 diamonds.
I saw the documentation and here is the full post JSON I am sending:
{ "request": { "header": { "username": "92968", "password": "RNBALAJI" }, "body": { "shapes": ["Round", "Pear", "Princess", "Marquise", "Oval", "Radiant", "Emerald", "Heart", "Cushion", "Asscher"], "size_to": 50, "size_from":0.1, "color_from": "D", "color_to": "M", "clarity_from": "IF", "clarity_to": "SI3", "cut_from": "Excellent", "cut_to": "Fair", "polish_from": "Excellent", "polish_to": "Fair", "symmetry_from": "Excellent", "symmetry_to": "Fair", "labs": ["GIA", "IGI", "AGS", "HRD", "EGL_USA", "NONE"], "price_total_from": 1, "price_total_to": 100000000, "page_number": 1, "page_size": 15, "sort_by": "price", "sort_direction": "ASC" } } }
This is as per the documentation on the Inventory link JSON format. What I observed was that there are more labs added but the documentation does not reflect that. Could that be a problem? If so then please update your Inventory link documentation.