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Thread: Delete Using Webserivce is not working


i am using web service for delete stone but its not working  anyone can help me in this where i am doing wrong.

Below is my code...

        Dim WebServiceManager As New DiamondManager
        WebServiceManager.Login(UserName, Password)
        WebServiceManager.Url = "http" + WebServiceManager.Url.Substring(5)
        Dim UploadManager As New DeleteLotParameters
        UploadManager.ByField = ByFieldTypes.StockNum
        UploadManager.FieldValueList = "XXXXXX"
        Return WebServiceManager.DeleteLots(UploadManager).ResultDescription

Thank You

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Manthan Shah
06/25/2013 02:25

4 Replies:

Hi Manthan,

It seems like your code is written well.

Are you getting any error? Did you set the 'FieldValueList' parameter with a correct stock number ?



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7/2/2013 10:55:00 AM
Hi Inbal,

Thank you for your reply .

I didnt get any error  in " ResultDescription" shows me Lot Deleted Successfully. but when i check on my listing stone was not deleted form there i tried it so many times.... 

And in this same code if i change ByField to RapnetLotID  and Change Value of FieldValueList  as per rapid then its delete from rapnet .

But i want to Delete using StockNum ...



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Manthan Shah
7/3/2013 3:35:00 PM
We found bug that happened in some cases when the stock Number contains some string characters, now this bug is fixed. You can try to use this web service again.


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7/4/2013 7:50:00 AM
Hi Inbal,

Thank you very much for your kind help. Its Solve now.

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Manthan Shah
7/4/2013 2:36:00 PM