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Thread: Webservice connectinity

When we use the XML webservices during the day there is no problem, but after 4pm we receive the error :- Too many HTTP requests  and HTTP request failed. This has been an obsrvation for sometime now. Please let us know what we can do about this    
Also I would like to know what is the maximum number of tickets that can be generated by a client in a day. When we received the above error we have generated a maximum of 4 tickets.


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06/22/2011 09:44

11 Replies:


Just to let you know that we are looking into this.



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Leo Muller
6/27/2011 1:37:00 AM

There is no limit to how many tickets you can create.

But, if you will do multiple requests at the same time (in parallel), some things won't work. Rather call your methods sequentially and wait for the response.

In any case, there was a specific problem I saw that your account got, and I think we solved that, if the problem persists, let us know, and we will check again.



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Leo Muller
6/27/2011 4:15:00 AM
Hi Leo,

Do you have any updates regarding this error?
Similar to the first post, we get the same problem each day after 4pm (GMT)

Kind Regards

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Nick Dutta
6/30/2011 6:56:00 AM
The first poster had a very specific problem, but I don't see any errors for your account.

4 PM GMT is a busy time on our servers, and you are likely to get more often errors at that time than earlier in the day. Can you provide me more details of what exactly you are trying to do that doesn't work?



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Leo Muller
6/30/2011 8:38:00 AM
Hi Leo,

I have a site that works fine during the morning time but after 4pm (GMT) everyday, the site gives problem and does not work properly.  Since it works fine in the morning, so there is no problem in the programming part else it would have given error everytime. But, it only gives error after a certain time. So, I guess there is some problem related to the server.

Can you please see to the issue and help me resolve it.


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Nick Dutta
7/12/2011 7:37:00 AM

Can you provide me more details of what you are trying to do that doesn't work? The exact URL's and methods would be a good start. What services are you using? HTTP / Webservices / price download / RapLink searches / download listings / upload stock / something else?  

I don't see any problems on our end, and I don't see any errors for your account in our logs.

Maybe you have an internet problem on your end at that time?



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Leo Muller
7/13/2011 1:16:00 AM
Hi Leo,

Thanks for your response.

We are using Rapnet LinkPlus webservice.

I will provide you the link of the site. The site is not live yet. You can check the errors there.

Please go to the following url:

After this check this link where we have added the Rapnet LinkPlus webservice:

The above page work well for the whole day except the timings that I have mentioned earlier in my messages.

Please take a look and let me know if you find anything.


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Nick Dutta
7/13/2011 4:02:00 AM
Hi Nick

as Leo mentioned before, we can not find the Error on our side, but anyway the link that you gave doesn't work. i'm getting an invalid credentials error. can you fix this issue? also please send me your Rapaport AccountID and FeedID. you can send it direcly to may email


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7/14/2011 2:02:00 AM
Hi Ephraim,

Did you receive my email?

Kind Regards

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Nick Dutta
7/19/2011 6:45:00 AM
yes i got it, i still could not reproduce teh problem but i'm still checking

>> add a comment
7/19/2011 6:59:00 AM
The problem usually occurs mainly at arount 4pm Uk time.
If you try using the serach functions on our site in 4 hours from now then you should see problems occuring

Kind Regards

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7/19/2011 7:10:00 AM